My Learning Analytics
My Learning Analytics (MyLA) is a dashboard that provides students with information about their engagement with course materials and resources, assignments, and grades in a Canvas course. A set of three learning analytics data visualizations have been designed to:
- reveal behavioral patterns associated with good learning skills,
- guide decisions about actions students can take that may improve their academic outcomes,
For ease of use, these visualizations can be accessed directly from the Canvas course navigation or from the relevant page view in Canvas, placing the links where the students already go for course-related information.
MyLA was developed as a collaborative project between researchers from the School of Information and School of Education partnering with ITS Teaching & Learning at the University of Michigan, with contributions from the University of British Columbia.
Available Visualizations
Instructors determine which visualizations to use with a Canvas course, so students may see different sets of visualizations for different courses.
Resources Accessed: Students can see which files, videos, and other resources are popular in the course and accessed most often by classmates. Resources are color coded in blue if the student has accessed them or gray if they have not. File names have active links to immediately open resources they have missed.
Assignment Planning: Students can view their progress and upcoming assignment two different ways: Progress to Final Grade or Assignments Due by Date. Students can also set course and assignment goals to help with their course planning and engagement.
The LT Hub is looking for instructors to test student dashboards in their Canvas courses. MyLA gives students insight into their engagement with the course content, encouraging them toward behavioural patterns that can improve academic outcomes. Please contact us at the LT Hub if you’d like to try out this new tool.